In my opinion, homeopathy is a system of medical practice that has the ability to cure individuals by triggering the patient's natural process of healing and recovery. When individuals get vaccinated, a small dosage of the disease causing organism is planted into the patient's body in order to trigger the immune system. Similarly, when patients consume homeopathic pills or tablets, they are actually ingesting poisonous substances that have been diluted in water over hundreds and thousands of times. If scientist really have proven that water has the ability to "remember" substances that have been diluted in it, then I strongly believe that these properties of homeopathic medicine allows it to cure patients whom are suffering from unhealthy symptoms.
I myself have been given a chance to personally experience homeopathic medical treatments. When I was suffering from a mild headache, I was given small sugar pills that contain extremely diluted poisonous substances. Although I was hesitant that this treatment would help make me feel better, after awhile my skeptical assumptions were proven wrong. My headache started to lessen and I felt much better after taking the homeopathy. But, on the other hand my lifted spirits could also be the result of consuming a good meal.
If given the chance to try homeopathy, I believe everyone should take up that opportunity and give it a chance. Since homeopathy contains no side-effects like most modern medicines and solves the root of the problem, there is no harm in trying out this form of treatment. Even though this form of treatment may possibly cure unhealthy symptoms, I believe that a person's ability to remain healthy is also affected by their mental thoughts. When felling ill or unhealthy, a person can become so much better solely due to their positive mental processes.
Here is a useful video on the ideologies behind Homeopathy